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Photo of the sun rising behind a building with a clocktower in Cobb County, GA.

Cobb County
Unified Development Code

Help shape Cobb County's future!

About the Project

The goal of the Unified Development Code (UDC) project is to produce a  document that encourages and enables development and redevelopment in identified centers while preserving the unique character of the County’s more rural areas, protects existing neighborhoods, conserves natural and historic resources, supports economic development, and provides opportunity for a variety of housing types.

The UDC will be set out in a way that easily organizes standards and regulations so that citizens, developers, and county staff and decision-makers know what is expected of any development proposal. Completing this rewrite with guidance from the Comprehensive Plan Update will help ensure that—moving forward—the County’s policies and regulations work hand in hand.

Project Updates


Upcoming Public Meetings

Town hall meetings to discuss draft installments will be held in early 2025 to solicit in-person feedback and answer questions from community members.









Installment One of the County's Unified Development Code (UDC) was released in November 2024.


This is the first of three installments of the new UDC. The most significant part of the new UDC included in this installment is Article 2: Administration. This article establishes the procedures that apply to the review of all development applications, such as applications to rezone land, for special land use permits, for subdivision, and for zoning variances.


This installment will also include the following additional sections of the new UDC:

  • Article 1: General Provisions. This section establishes the general rules that apply throughout the new UDC, such as the name of the document, the legal authority for the County to adopt the UDC, the general purposes of the new UDC, and the transition from the County's current Zoning Ordinance to the new UDC.

  • Article 7: Nonconformities. This section includes the regulations that apply to existing development that was legal when it was built but that, due to changes in the zoning regulations, is no longer consistent with the rules in the new UDC.

  • Article 9: Definitions, Rules of Construction and Interpretation, and Rules of Measurement. This installment will include the definitions of terms used in the first installment. Additional definitions and the remaining sections of the article will be added in later installments.


The first installment of the new UDC may be found on the Documents & Work Products page.


The County is also releasing a brief online survey to obtain feedback on this installment. That survey may be accessed here.  Please sign up below to stay informed.


The drafting of the new UDC (Phase 3 of the UDC project) will continue into 2025. Installment Two will include updated zoning districts and use regulations and will be released to the public in early 2025. Please sign up below to stay informed. 

The Unified Development Code - What is it and why does Cobb need it?


Participate and
Stay Informed!

There are many ways to learn about and get involved in the UDC project:


  • Sign-up to receive project updates so that you always have the latest information.

  • Attend public events and provide comments.

  • Review and comment on draft documents. 


​The new UDC will shape the way the County develops for years to come. All who are interested are encouraged to participate in the rewrite project, recognizing that the project will be most successful with input from a broad cross section of the community.

Thanks for submitting!

 © 2023 by Clarion Associates. 

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